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Sing4Health: Covid Concerns & Precautions

I'm so glad we can begin the 2021-22 Singing Season with in-person OR online lessons together. That said, we need to be realistic about the increased presence of the Covid Delta variant, and be ready to make some changes if it infections increase in our area.

The following are current precautions I am taking in the studio for all in-person lessons. Students are more than welcome to switch to online-only lessons if they prefer:

  • In-person lessons are now in a larger, 15x30 ft room

  • A HEPA filter is running at all times.

  • Common areas (music stands, mics, door knobs, etc) are disinfected regularly.

  • Windows are open to increase circulation

I am fully vaccinated (Pfyzer). I steer clear of crowds, and when I am in public in an enclosed or densely populated area, I wear a mask. As the cold weather moves in, depending on the presence of Covid cases in Larimer County, I will wear a mask during lessons. Students do not need to wear a mask, but may choose to do so if they or a loved one are immuno-compromised, or if they just prefer.

Here are links to some local and national sources of information to help you be wise (not fearful) in dealing with this very real concern.

As always, we are all reminded to:

  • Wear masks & stay 6ft apart (social distance)

  • Wash hands for at least 20 seconds ("Let It Go" chorus, or Happy Birthday twice)

  • Get vaccinated. Everyone older than 12 is eligible for a free Covid-19 vaccine.

  • Carry a hand sanitizer with you in case you cannot wash hands

  • Try to keep your hands away from your eyes. Use a tissue if you need to scratch!

  • Sneeze/cough into a tissue or your elbow

  • Build up your immune system

    • Sleep!

    • Stay hydrated

    • Eat a healthy diet.

    • Don't share foods/beverages



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