Saturday SipNSings: Performance Without Perfection
WHAT are Saturday SipNSings? They are informal performance opportunities held 1-2 times each month
to give current students the chance to practice their performance skills.

Before 2020, these performance classes were held in person in Fall, Winter, and Summer. Thanks to COVID creativity(!), we moved the classes to online Zoom meetings as of April 2020. Music does NOT need to be memorized.
WHEN are Saturday SipNSings? Usually the 2nd & 4th Saturdays, from 4-5pm (Mtn time).
WHO sings in Saturday SipNSings? Current students, with a few family members & friends observing from time to time. Starting October 24, 2020 - our Autumn Celebration SipNSing - there may be a few performers outside the studio to expand our horizons a bit.
WHY Saturady SipNSings? In a nutshell, SipNSings:
Give students a chance to practice performing LIVE online. Performance professionals agree that online auditions are going to continue to be the norm for the foreseeable future. So SipNSings give students a chance to prepare for any video auditions they may need to do.
Give students multiple performance opportunities throughout the year to practice the craft of performing.
Are low-keyed in order to help students work out any performance jitters.
Keep us connected to one another as we wait out the pandemic.
Encourage participation without perfection.
If you'd like to learn more, get in touch at